Say hello to

Energy management 101

my secrets for reconnecting with yourself and chilling tf out are waiting for you inside this 30+page downloadable PDF guide.

Sound familiar?

Do you find yourself feeling down and can't figure out why?

Have you felt stuck in a rut, anxious or just not enthusiastic about what you're doing?

Do you feel discouraged after spending on wellness workshops without seeing lasting results?


I spent years experimenting, tweaking, and trying method after method until I found some simple-seeming and accessible practices that bring me back to myself and to my own energy.

Nikola Tesla

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

It starts by going within.

This isn’t about cultivating fake positivity. This is about getting in-tune with yourself. So that you can intentionally ease your nervous system and have more energy. So that you can cultivate a sense of ease and freedom, sustainably. So that you can  tap into your creative side. 

In this guide, I’ll share my methods for reconnecting with calm and creativity, and discovering the type of rituals that are easeful for your mind and supportive of your body.

Are you getting excited yet?


Energy management 101

My secrets for regulating your nervous system and chilling tf out in a PDF guide.

Let’s take a look at what’s inside



supportive rituals

How to intentionally create supportive rituals, feel nurtured at the start of the day, and return to yourself. 


Connecting with crystals

As energetic natural forms, learn ways to incorporate gems into daily life and align with your intentions.


power of the breath

Reconnect with your breath to support the nervous system, shut down fight-or-flight and support your wellbeing.


surrendering to Natural rhythms

Learn the basics of moon cycles and ways to honor and incorporate planetary energy into your days, weeks and months.


The average person spends 3 full years of their life on social media. 

You can begin reclaiming your energy for yourself.

Ok, so how can i access these secrets?

The kind of knowledge contained in this guide can require a lot of time spent gathering from many sources. My commitment to you is not only to give you tools that actually work—it’s to give it to you at an accessible price. That’s why I’m offering the Energy Management 101 Guide for just


MEET THE CREATOR—Catherine Gerdes

 “You are 


to the universe, 

to its energy, 

through your 

gut knowing.

Four years ago, I launched my coaching business. This blossomed into writings and workshops with one overarching goal: to help people come home to themselves. Our conditioning has guided us astray from our unique paths and taught us to prioritize everyone over ourselves. And, the irony is, we can barely serve others well from that space. It's exhausting. It's unsustainable. It leads to autoimmune issues. Focusing on our energetic health is an investment and a relearning process. We are training ourselves to pour back into our cup and reacquaint ourselves with our own energy. To ease into rest. To give ourselves permission to flow with the cycles of nature. To be a f*cking human being instead of a human doing. From this space, I have witnessed miracles happen. Creative flow can happen in this space. Offers arrive in a receptive state with energy well-managed. Relationships thrive in this space of openness over lack. Changing your energy will geniunely change your life. 

Over the course of focusing on energy management, I have been in awe of the results. These practices have supported me through my grief journey, career transitions, and the writing of multiple manuscripts. My business grew, and I’ve helped creative entrepreneurs reclaim their energy and use it as a tool to improve their health, wealth and relationships.


It’s time to feel free.